Gas Centrifuges for Uranium Enrichment
Two years after he started work at Urenco's Ultra-Centrifuge Laboratory Bert Brouwers was appointed head of the group undertaking research and development of isotope separation in gas or ultra-centrifuges. He instituted a detailed theoretical study of the internal flow in gas centrifuges which led to his PhD defended at Twente University. He formulated new parameters for the separative performance of gas centrifuges. The insights obtained by his work focused the development of novel,superior types of centrifuges. Today large-scale uranium enrichment plants in Europe and the USA use these new generation centrifuges to deliver fuel for nuclear power stations. Bert was advisor to the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA at Vienna.
For a recent review of Bert's work at Urenco and its impact, see:
Delbeke, J.F.A., Esch, B.P.M. van, Eklund, G., Janssens-Maenhout, G. & Janssens, W. (2010). Verifying the spin of centrifuges. Energy, 35(8), 3123-3130. |