prof. dr ir J.J.H. (Bert) Brouwers

T: +31 (0)6 51836093

Biography / 简历

CEO Romico Hold A.V.V and Romico Engineering Solutions B.V .
- Rotational Particle Separator
- Condensed Rotational Separation

Other Achievements
- Statistical Turbulence
- Fluid Flow in Rotating Devices
- Combustion Research
- Probabilistic System Downtime
- Offshore structures
- Ultra Centrifuge
- MSc and PhD degree supervision
The above on one page

- Journal Articles
- Dissertations
- Valedictory Lecture


Benthum, R.J. van (2014). CO2 capture by condensed rotational separation : thermodynamics and process design. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: J.J.H. Brouwers, prof.dr. M. Golombok & H.P. van Kemenade).

Russo, E (2014). DNS of turbulent particle-laden channel flow with heat and mass transfer. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: prof.dr. J.G.M. Kuerten, J.J.H. Brouwers & dr. C.W.M. van der Geld).

Michalek, W.R.(2013). Numerical simulation of droplet-laden turbulent flow with application to the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: prof.dr. J.G.M. Kuerten, J.J.H. Brouwers & J.C.H. Zeegers).

Bansal, G.D. (2012). Condensing CO2 droplets. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: prof.dr. M. Golombok, J.J.H. Brouwers & H.P. van Kemenade).

Kroes, J.P.(2012). Droplet collection in a scaled-up rotating separator. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: J.J.H. Brouwers, prof.dr. M. Golombok & H.P. van Kemenade).

Siregar, D.P. (2012). Numerical simulation of evaporation and absorption of inktjet printed droplets. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Geld, C.W.M. van der, Brouwers, J.J.H. & Kuerten, J.G.M.).

Goes Oliveira, J.L. (2012). 3D-PTV of particle-laden turbulent pipe flows. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Geld, C.W.M. van der & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Grooten, M.H.M. (2011). Drainage control and diffusion resistance in dropwise condensation in a compact heat exchanger. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Geld, C.W.M. van der & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Clerx, N. (2010). Experimental study of direct contact condensation of steam in turbulent duct flow. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Geld, C.W.M. van der, Brouwers, J.J.H. & Celata, G.P.).

Pecenko, A. (2010). Numerical simulation methods for phase-transitional flow. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Geld, C.W.M. van der, Brouwers, J.J.H. & Kuerten, J.G.M.).

Beune, A. (2009). Analysis of high-pressure safety valves. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H., Kuerten, J.G.M. & Schmidt, J.).

Kleine, D. de (2009). Numerical simulation of unsteady flow in hydraulic turbomachines. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit. ((Co-)promot.: Esch, B.P.M. van, Brouwers, J.J.H. & Kuerten, J.G.M.).

Willems, G.P. (2009). Condensed rotational cleaning of natural gas. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Esch, B.P.M. van, Brouwers, J.J.H. & Golombok, M.).

Best, C.J.J.M. de (2008). Novel aerosol condensing heat exchanger for small-scale biomass combustion applications. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Kemenade, H.P. van, Brouwers, J.J.H. & Obernberger, I.).

Hoogh, J. de (2007). Application of local defect correction to a passive tracer in a turbulent channel flow. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Mattheij, R.M.M., Brouwers, J.J.H. & Kuerten, J.G.M.).

Walpot, R.J.E. (2007). 3D particle tracking velocimetry and statistical analysis of turbulent pipe flow. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Geld, C.W.M. van der, Brouwers, J.J.H. & Kuerten, J.G.M.).

Brunner, T. (2006). Aerosols and coarse fly ashes in fixed-bed biomass combustion - formation, characterization and emissions. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Obernberger, I.).

Wissen, R.J.E. van (2006). Centrifugal separation for cleaning well gas streams : from concept to prototype. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Golombok, M.).

Bulten, N.W.H. (2006). Numerical analysis of a waterjet propulsion system. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Hoeijmakers, H., Esch, B.P.M. van & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Kovacevic, M. (2006). Study of a boiling bubble in uniform approaching flow at high bubble Reynolds numbers. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Geld, C.W.M. van der & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Mondt, E. (2005). Compact Centrifugal Separator of Dispersed Phases. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Kemenade, H.P. van & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Veenman, M.P.B. (2004). Statistical analysis of turbulent pipe flow : a numerical approach. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Water, W. van de & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Nyirenda, P.J. (2004). Experimental study of hydrodynamic forces in mixed-flow pumps. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Steenhoven, A.A. van & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Berkel, A.I. (2004). Dynamics of thermal particle conversion : with applications to biomass conversion in a circulating fluidised bed. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Brem, G.).

Lexmond, A.S. (2003). Drop pinch-off from hydrophobic heat exchanger plates. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Drinkenburg, A.A.H. & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Kessel, L.B.M. van (2003). Stochastic disturbances and dynamics of thermal processes : with application to municipal solid waste combustion. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Brem, G.).

Ganzevles, F.L.A. (2002). Drainage and condensate heat resistance in dropwise condensation of multicomponent mixtures in a plastic plate heat exchanger. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Nieuwenhuizen, J.K., Geld, C.W.M. van der & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Klein, S.A. (2000). Ont he Acoustics of Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Os, M.J. (1998). On the Flow and Lavitation Inception of Mixed-Flow Impellers. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Louis, J.J.J. (1997). On turbulent combustion of Coal-Gas. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Esch, B.P.M. van (1997). Simulation of three-demensional unsteady flow in hydraulic pumps. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H., Kruyt, N.P. & Jonker, J.B.).

Yu, J.H. (1996). On formation of NOX and CO in turbulent premixed combustion of natural gas. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Visser, F.C. (1996). On the flow in centrifugal impellers. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Velde, H. van de (1996). On turbulent reacting dilute gas-particle flows in cyclones. Universiteit Twente. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Gort, R. (1995). On the propagation of a reaction front in a packed bed. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Essen, T.G. van (1995). Fluid-induced impeller forces in centrifugal pumps. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Somers, L.M.T. (1994). Simulation of flat flames with detailedand reduced chemical models. Eindhoven: TUE. ((Co-)promot.: Nieuwenhuizen, J.K., Goey, L.P.H. de & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Boersma, J. (1993). Modelling of NOX emission from natural gas fired gas turbine combustors. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Badie, R. (1993). Analysis of unsteady potential flows in centrifugal pumps. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Rosendal, F.J.J. (1993). Swirling flows in expanding tubes. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Otter, A. (1992). Forces on an oscillating cylinder and related fluid flow pheaomena. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Tijdeman, H.).

Lange, H.C. de (1992). Modelling of premixed laminar flames. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: Nieuwenhuizen, J.K. & Brouwers, J.J.H.).

Mensink, C.M. (1992). A 2D parallel multiblock method for viscous and inviscid compressible flows. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Deconinck, H.).

Honing, G van de (1991). Volatile and Char Combustion in large scale fluidized abed Coal Combustors. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Swaaij, W.P.M. van).

Brem, G. (1990). Mathematical modelling of Coal conversion processes. ((Co-)promot.: Brouwers, J.J.H. & Swaaij, W.P.M. van).

Brouwers, J.J.H. (1976). On the motion of a compressible fluid in a rotating cylinder. ((Co-)promot.: Wijngaarden, L. van & Los, J.).